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Wednesday, January 19, 2005



Mmmm, nothing happened! The link didn't show up in the last post.
Here is the link to the blog about blog spammers:http://www.google.com/googleblog/2005/01/preventing-comment-spam.html
I guess I'll have to experiment more with links!

Also, I just looked at the pictures in Yahoo Groups. What a great looking group, including the moderators! I don't have a digital picture to put in but I'll try to get one in the next few days so that I can try adding it.

I have to say that the hardest part of this course so far has been figuring out my GMT. I think I have it now, though. New York = GMT-5 Now I just need to be able to use it! I wonder if I should change my time stamp on my blog? Does it matter?

I was also wondering it is better to make one long entry, like this one, or more short entries, like I have been making. I don't know which are more useful. I generally like my email in seperate entries so that I can delete them after I have read them. With long emails, I tend to get part of the way through them, then have to stop. The next time I look at them, I have to start all over.
I'm sure that I will not be able to read all of the information presented during the six weeks. I am hoping that I will still be able to access it later.

In the Jan. 12 edition of eSchool News, an article, "WIKALONG - A Wiki-margin for the Internet": http://www.eschoolnews.com/eti/2005/01/000434.php told about downloading a program that creates a wiki side bar in Firefox. Since the links on the site don't work now, I'm not going to download it. I can't picture what it does. I think I can have conversations with others about a webpage. Do I want to do this? Maybe the links will work tomorrow and I'll be able to understand more about it.

Janet, I think shorter entries are better ... they encourage more readers to make comments I think

ale weser
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